here is a formal kind of survey for the icons i have done below, please help to do the survey form and post it in the comment box (name BUBBLES at just below of the post) dont forget to leave your name. k, thanks much much much! =D
1. This icon best represents
A. Music
B. Home
C. Gallery
D. Contact
2. This icon best represents
A. Music
B. Home
C. Gallery
D. Contact
3. This icon best represents
A. Music
B. Home
C. Gallery
D. Contact
4. The interface design was easy to understand
A. Strongly agree
B. Agree
C. Disagree
D. Strongly Dissagree
5. What did you like most baout the icons?
A. Character design
B. Colour combination
C. Glossy effects
D. Overall feeling
6. What suggestion do you have for improving the icons, or any other comments?